Lewis Hirsch
Howdy! Fishing runs in the family. My mom’s side stems from my great grandparent’s crappie fishing the Mississippi backwaters in Arkansas, my dad’s fishing journey began on the shores of Lake Lanier fishing for whatever would bite. Naturally, this was then passed down to my brother and I. I spent my childhood finding any little puddle I could cast a line into looking for bass and bluegill in Atlanta with worms, buzzbaits, and whatever else I could put on the end of my little blue ultralight rod. I am constantly reminded of this time by my uncle who reminds me of when I used to say “ Are you fishing with feathers again? Nothing is going to eat that here.” Little did I know I would be the next generation of feather throwers. By 14 I was properly introduced to fly fishing and competitive fly fishing. At one point, I was asked the question knowing nothing about Team USA youth or competitive fly fishing. How bad do you want to make Team USA? My answer 10/10! Having no idea, I signed myself up for quite the ride. I spent 2017-2018 preparing for my first youth nationals, I finished 11th that year and qualified for the team. 2018-2022 I spent every hour I had either in school, asleep, tying flies, driving to fish/compete, or fishing/competing. Between countless hours spent behind the vice talking about fishing and hours on the water, I put in my 10,000 hours during high school. In July 2022, I was fortunate enough to be competing in the 19th Cortland Youth World Fly Fishing Championship, in which our team placed 4th and I individually placed 12th. I have spent many hours since taking a break from competition, on the stream reflecting on fly fishing philosophy, conservation, the impact guides can have, and the importance of community in fly fishing. My conclusion, each day guiding is spent making sure I can better someone’s day through fly fishing. Don’t get me wrong I still grind on the water on days off, and I hope to get back into competition, but alongside competing teaching is my passion. I hope to see you on the water soon!